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Technology Expertise



EC-12 Technology Applications Certification
Technology has never been more important in education than it is right now. Our students have only ever known life with constant access to the internet, cell phones, e-readers, tablets, and a constant bombardment of information. It is essential for today's teachers to understand our students' technology needs; from the importance of digital/media literacy to digital citizenship and safety. 
As an English, Language Arts, and Reading teacher, I regularly used various tech tools, such as Socrative, Plickers, and Kahoot, in order to conduct quick formative assessments. In addition, I regularly used technology as a means to allow my students to illustrate their learning using iMovie, Pixton, and Glogster. 
In my current position as a Technology Applications teacher, I focus with my students on learning how to use various tech tools and to be good digital citizens. Google Apps for Education is a large focus in my class. Students regularly work within Google Classroom, with Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Sites, Forms, and Drawings. 
I love learning about new and innovative technology and learning how the integration of technology can support teachers and students. 
In addition to those mentioned above, I have experience working with and teaching about various tech tools such as, but not limited to:




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